Solarlife VIP 會員權益

 加入 VIP 會員 👈

立即獲得 $100 元紅利點數金 💰

Joining the VIP membership immediately grants you a $100 bonus reward points.

注意事項 Terms and Conditions 📃


1. VIP&SVIP會員時效於生效日起:一年,當滿足累積消費金額之續會門檻條件,會籍將會自動延長。
Membership valid for one year, when the consumption renewal conditions are met, the validity of the membership  will be automatically extended.


Different levels of membership will be held from time to time, with discounts on events and exclusive gifts.


Valid upgrade amount must be "PAID" order, "CANCELLED" order cannot be used.


4. 生日禮購物金於當月提前 5 天發送,使用期限 30 日。
Birthday gift vouchers will be sent 5 days in advance of the birth month and are valid for 30 days.

5. 消費時如未登入會員,則訂單金額無法納入累計。
If you are not logged in as a member during the purchase, the order amount cannot be accumulated.


6. 購物金與會員消費累積金額以個別會員為準,不同會員恕無法合併計算、轉讓。
Shopping vouchers and member expenditure accumulation amounts are based on individual members and cannot be combined or transferred between different members


7. 有任何其他會員相關問題,可於官方網站內留言詢問。
For any other member-related inquiries, you can ask by leaving a message on the official website or LINE.

8. Solarlife索樂生活 保有調整及最終解釋權之權利,最新內容請以官方網站或相關公告為準。
Solarlife co. reserves the right of final explanation, and the latest announcement will be published on the official website or relevant final content.

